There are as many truths as there are people.
Through this space I mostly offer you mine and sometimes also of others. Of people with clarity in writing and authority in the field they write about. People whose perspective I value.
It is verified material and whenever possible scientifically supported.
I hope that, even if in some small way, you find it enriching or at the very least stimulating to question yourself and the place you occupy in the WHOLE.
Read this blog as a kind of compilation of the different sides of the same elephant. By this I’m referring to the story of the 6 wise blind men, which you can find below.
And the elephant here may be me… or maybe you…
All we need is the morning. As long as there is sunrise, then there is the possibility
It’s harder to sleep in these times. Articles are written every day about the subject. Y[...]
Each word we speak has a life of its own, a vibratory signature that creates waves into th[...]
Would anything change about the way we live our lives if we knew what happens when we die?
The prayer below from over 4,000 years ago from Ancient Egypt not only contains a roadmap[...]
Few people enjoy the company of individuals whose attitudes are persistently negative.
...make sure you are finding ways to incorporate the seven types of rest into your life. Y[...]
It's ok—we've all been there. It's especially common for ambitious, high achievers, who[...]
When we begin to listen with our hearts rather than our heads, our whole world changes and[...]
I hear from a lot of people who don’t understand why being around their family pushes th[...]
As humans, we are complex and multidimensional beings. We are present in the physical worl[...]
Once upon a time there was a Chinese farmer whose horse ran away. That evening, all of his[...]
Always know, the Universe works in perfect order, and you are never given more than you ca[...]
You may want to press the fast-forward button through your pain, but in doing so you would[...]
"A deer knows it's a deer. It has no inner conflict about its past, its purpose, its needs[...]
We all have many aspects to ourselves - integrating these parts into wholeness is an impor[...]
Have you ever noticed certain patterns in your life that keep happening over and over agai[...]
We know the brain can’t function when the heart has stopped beating, but in this case, c[...]
“Be like water, making its way through cracks. Do not be assertive, but adjust to the ob[...]
Bad habits can build upon themselves, derailing our discipline in the sneakiest of ways.
My entire experience working with this wonderful modality is colored by healings and mirac[...]
This more than 2,000-year-old parable has, over time, shared its underlying wisdom and inv[...]
Happiness: the term thrown around more often than any other when people are asked what the[...]
After a series of (self-)destructive events, my father was diagnosed with bipolar disorder[...]
Each of us very complex beings. The rivers of our ancestral heritage, our lineage, converg[...]