
My entire experience working with this wonderful modality is colored by healings and miraculous experiences. It is amazing to see how a person is transformed by disabling the conscious and critical mind; coming to shine through their true being, their soul that reminds us (as in the client and myself) each time, that we really are spiritual beings living a physical experience, instead of the opposite.
Until you experience hypnosis, you will not be able to conceive the magnitude or the depth of what I am talking about.
In the following articles I will go deeper and deeper into the components and different aspects of hypnotic trance and hypnotherapy. From energy to neuroplasticity and beyond.
First thing first though, let’s look at the bases:
Hypnosis is a natural state with an extraordinary quality of mental, physical and emotional relaxation.
Natural, because contrary to popular belief, entering the hypnotic state is a human ability that we all possess.
Extraordinary, because the type of relaxation that is achieved in this altered state cannot be obtained in any other process. Most people feel a total release of accumulated stress on all levels when they are in hypnosis.
In fact, depending on our activities, we experience various levels of hypnosis multiple times a day. Different levels of trance states occur at different brain wavelengths. Studies have shown that from as little as just 3 seconds to no more than 3 minutes of watching television, our brain enters a suggestible state, in alpha waves. No wonder there are commercials! In that state, our critical mind goes into the background and allows the subconscious mind to receive new information (subliminal programming).
To give you another example, think about what happens when you go to bed at night: you lie down, you close your eyes, your breathing slows down; it might even be possible that you’ve just had the urge to take a deep breath just by reading these last few words. Every single time I hear the word “breathe” I do that. If this was your case too, it’s because you have just experienced the power of visualization affecting the physical body. Cool!
In this process of falling asleep just before you actually fall asleep, images start going through your mind as if you were dreaming, even though you haven’t fully fallen asleep yet. It may even be that some of your muscles contract involuntarily at that moment as the daily tension is released from your body.
That is the somnambulistic state that occurs when brain waves change to theta. The deepest form of trance. The language of the subconscious mind is based on images!
A third example would be if you have children or have ever cared for a child, you may have read a story to them. Picture this: the child is totally attentive to the story (he’s in beta waves), you drift off with each line (you’re in alpha waves) and suddenly you’re talking about something completely different, while said child looks at you bewildered. Through a sudden twist the story of the magical dragon flying through waterfalls and dense forests, has just become your shopping list, laundry or other (sometimes rather unrealistic) chores or dialogues with who knows whom. Does it sound familiar to you?? It happened to me a good few many times…
That is also the somnambulistic trance state. Although we only spend a moment in it, activities equivalent to several minutes, even hours, unfold before us. Theoretically this wave is characterized by the dilation of time as we know it. In my opinion this happens because in that other side there is no time…You need to experience it at least once in order to really get what I mean. In any case, this characteristic of the theta brain wave is what has earned it the status of “interdimensional portal”.
This is the level of trance that I induce and work in typically during a QHHT past life regression session. Over the course of a couple of hours we visit 2 or 3 lifetimes, review their lessons, die and reborn each time, explore the state between lifetimes called inter-life, and converse with your Spirit Guide – or perhaps you would call him your Guardian Angel.
All this happens in just a couple of hours!
I hope you´ll give yourself the opportunity to experience it!
The other system that I use to heal or improve a wide spectrum of health, psychological, mental, behavioral or spiritual conditions or problems is Integral Hypnotherapy.
An approach that combines classic hypnotherapy with modern methods and protocols.
It integrates perennial wisdom traditions, philosophical counselling and human potential training – includes life skills coaching and applied mental sciences. It is an evidence-based approach.
My methodology is exceptionally collaborative, effective and personalized. By tailoring the work to you as an individual rather than focusing on the problem as a whole, I ensure that no stone is left unturned in our exploration of locating, editing, or replacing any subconscious programming that is negatively affecting your life today.
Adhering to the highest standards and professional discipline, I apply my tools and resources in a uniquely synthesized way, starting from and focusing on your strengths and not your weaknesses.
The result is a dynamic, innovative and highly effective method to promote self-knowledge and personal empowerment; your overall well-being. It is a mental alchemy that aligns your 3 basic systems: physical, emotional and mental. To achieve this, it is essential that we understand and apply the fundamental laws of energy, both within ourselves and around us.
Starting from your infinite possibilities of being, we choose the most optimal version and route so that through them your life experience becomes fuller, more abundant and more joyful!