
Each of us very complex beings. The rivers of our ancestral heritage, our lineage, converge in us. Not knowing this lineage does not make us exempt from feeling its effects. Only ignorant of the reason, of the origin of our way of being. There can be no REAL self-knowledge without knowing our heritage. Only the blind notion of it. An ignorant notion, lacking essence. To know where we are going, we must know where we came from.
Reality is very intrinsically expansive, alive. It is fluid. Nothing “IS” what is. It only is for fleeting moments that pass and expand and move towards something new and different that keeps in itself the memory, the essence of all the fleeting moments that have passed before. This is how Reality is… this is also how we are.
I, from my paternal grandmother’s side, come, I am from the Dragon Lineage. Strong, free, loyal, enigmatic, from the mountains, from nature, protective mother, determined, capable of breathing fire, without any particular mission, just to simply be this: a Dragon.
In an environment under circumstances that provide the ideal conditions that accommodate my nature, I have neither enemies nor predators. I am indestructible, eternal.
Through this invaluable experience from the depth of the Sierra Mazateca, I honor my ancestors with Love, Gratitude, with Compassion, Acceptance and Forgiveness.